Many have asked what made the Romans such a powerful fighting force. Our answer is their philosophy of management greatly contributed to their success. They believed that the Generals down to the foot soldiers should receive the same level of training and were held to the same standards of excellence. This equality of training and knowledge empowered the entire army. If the General was killed, any soldier could rise to take his place. We understand that knowledge is power, and the more you know the better you perform. We work to empower our sales professionals with the top training programs, the best products, and the highest compensation. We believe that this approach will truly make our sales agents industry professionals.


At GreenMind, we understand that synergy is the way to gain results. We do not share the top-down approach that many companies today utilize. GreenMind believes in a bottom-up approach.To demonstrate our commitment to this philosophy, GreenMind’s executive board is built on the principles of unity, equality, and synergy. Hence, there are four Co-CEOs rather than one. We believe that a council of leaders is more effective than a single leader.